scott_n_barb Made with My Cool Signs.Net

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Justin at Urgent Care

What a bummer. We woke up on Thurs the 24th of July and were going to the parade in SLC. Justin didn't feel well and was burning up. He stayed home with Scott while the rest of us went to the parade to watch our friend Jordan play in his school's marching band. When we returned home later, Justin wasn't any better. He got to go to the Urgent care and we found out he had strep throat. Were were going hiking to the Timpanogas Caves on Friday. Like the "big boy" that he is, he chose to get not one, but two shots. One in each leg so that he could get better faster. He was starting to feel better by that evening. He went on to hike and have a great day. What a trooper!


Shari Tate said...

He definately looks sick!
I loved your picture of the kids in a circle!

Russell Fam said...

Yeah, your blogging! Poor guy I hate it when my kids get strep (which seems to be alot). I still can't believe you saw Donny at the conference center. I'm sure you were thinking of me and had to agree that is voice is awesome. Maybe we can get a group of gals together to see him and Marie in Vegas. Road Trip!!

Lisa @ Pulsipher Page said...

Hey VT partner- we're bloggers. How cool is that! Though I still have to get Heather to help me with all the pics. One of these days I'll figure it out...Hopefully

Heather said...

aaahhhh-poor baby! That timpanogas hike is a killer too.

C and T Orvin said...

Love your blog background! Great picture of the kiddos! Your officially a blogger!

nbingham said...

Barbara- had a blast at the retreat with you. Bed partners forever....- up there. get your pics up so we can see how fat I am....
Love ya-

Holly said...

You got the blog now all you got to do is find the time to post! It is very cute! Tell Jessica I have tons of Caprisun packs if she still needs them.
-Holly DiPadova